Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Unsaid feelings

My Unsaid feelings

Beloved, oh! How can I ever let you know,
Of the nectarine desires which lie deep in my mind;
Those wreaths of thoughts sweet, for you I ponder by,
And to your heart the fetters unseen, my heart does bind.

Sudden you came unannounced, with the breeze mellow,
Brightening my soul, which till darkness gloomed;
In pure delight, capered I merrily merrily,
As in the season of spring, the many blossoms bloomed.

A thing of beauty*, holy father's masterpiece,
My lovely maiden, so fair and calm yet so gay;
Healthy shades vivid, and of a varying hue,
Of lilies, lilacs, lupins and lotuses, the summer may.

And yes, your eyes eclipses the whole of your sex,
That eyes of doe, ever drunk yet meek and kind;
Unknown of my feelings are your flirting smiles,
Alas! O' fate, what world for me have you designed.

For you, I loved with that love so divine,
But sure I lament that you will never know;
Let it be concealed, forever and for eternity,
Since my love, you will never fathom, and I never show.

And from these dumb silent eyes of mine,
Came rolling down my cheeks, a few briny drops;
Catch a sight of them if you can, are tears,
If not, let it forever and ever remain water drops.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Dialogue

The Dialogue

Come out of your woe,
And amble as all men do.
With pride,

Misfortunes strike once again,
Despair becomes a need,
For survival.
Hopelessness buried deep down my poor heart,
anguish prevailing.
Come out of your woe,
These sounds/ words heard far away,
Like a whisper.
Futile words, needless to consider,
My mind tells me,
Dejected as always.
My tears as offerings,
Given to you.

Oft in your fantasy, you dreams chase,
Oft in your shackled slumber,
The rainbow vivid shines bright hued.
Come out of your slumber,
Come make your dreams come true Antigone.
Fly with me high above.
Maybe some immortal Zeus did conspire,
For your woes that ages witness;
Why you? Ever asked why?
Why shed your pearls prized,
For the follies of others and your vice.

                                              G.K & Vidoushi Ramjheetun

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What Was My Fault?

What Was My Fault?

One night, in a dream I woke,
Dwindling near Bethany I was;
There to the edge of the dusty road,
Lone standing, I saw, a tree's carcass.

A fig tree it was that I saw,
Shrieved, laconic, and dried;
Grief in his heart profound,
Denuded and barren, he cried.

A strange call to his place, I went,
To tell a tale yet untold;
"Pray tarry a while", said he,
From there wearily he called.,

It was one fine bright morn
When with many a disciple he came;
The Son of the Holy God he was,
Jesus, the Nazarene, his name.

He was hungry I guess,
For he, a while stopped by me;
Wandering his bloody eyes upon my branches,
To look for figs, on a fruitless tree.

No fruits there were on my branches,
For figs, it was not the season;
But he..... was angry and peeved,
And cursed me for that reason.

"May you never bear fruits again",
With a rage he muttered.
And I, that very sorry instant,
Became dry, sere, and withered.

It was not the season for figs,
So bare, my branches too.

That tree with a mourning heart,
Made me think of God once more;
Holy, pure, and judge I thought he was,
But this way I never thought before.

What kind of thing was that,
To do to an innocent fig tree;
That it withered away instantly,
What God this Almighty be?

What kind of god was that?
What was there to inspire in his son?
Cursed a tree to death and decay,
Without any flagrant reason.
